Low Back Pain Treatment

Lower back pain is a debilitating condition. According to the World Health Organization, lower back pain affected 619 million people in 2020 and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. This type of pain can manifest in many different ways, ranging from sharp, stabbing sensations to dull, diffuse discomfort and more. The pain may be localized or radiate up your back or into your glutes and legs. No matter how it presents, numerous options are available to treat low back pain, and we are pleased to share them with you.

Diagnosing Low Back PAin

The first step in treating low back pain is understanding what you are addressing. Establishing a diagnosis is critical for exploring your treatment options. Initially, you should find a provider who takes the time to listen to you. Too often, we hear about patients who have visited other offices and report that the doctor didn’t listen to their entire history before interrupting with a question or comment. Your doctor should genuinely care about your condition and how you arrived at this point. Next, the doctor should perform a thorough examination. This should include testing your range of motion, as well as neurological, orthopedic, and functional assessments. Once the doctor establishes a diagnosis, they can accurately determine the best treatment plan for you.

Common Low Back conditions

There are numerous diagnoses for low back pain. Some may appear similar, while others are quite different. Here are a few common low back pain conditions we encounter in our Saratoga chiropractic office.

Non-Specific Low Back PAin

This happens when it’s not possible to identify a specific disease or structural abnormality causing the pain. Non-specific low back pain is quite common and challenging to treat. Our Saratoga Springs chiropractor utilizes functional testing to determine which movements or activities induce pain and focuses on the joints and muscles that enable the body to perform those movements for diagnosis and treatment.

Low Back Sprain/Strain

Low back sprains and strains can occur in various ways. The most common cases we see in our office are sports injuries, closely followed by car accidents. Sports injuries may involve lifting or twisting. The muscles of the lower back are stretched and contracted when in that stretched position. The tissue is so strong that it becomes strained, and the ligaments that support the joints can also be damaged.


Sciatica and low back pain are closely related. Sciatica occurs when there is pressure on the sciatic nerve, which can be affected at various locations. Symptoms typically include a burning sensation, radiating pain into the leg, and sometimes weakness in the leg, ankle, or foot.

Disc Bulge

A disc bulge is a common occurrence in the spine. Some research suggests that disc bulging may serve as a protective mechanism, enabling the spine to handle greater loads and forces without sustaining damage. However, a disc bulge can be severe enough to contact a spinal nerve, resulting in pain in the lower back and sometimes radiating into the lower extremities. Disc bulges respond very well to conservative care, including chiropractic treatment.

Disc Herniation

Picture of a lumbar spine and what a herniated disc looks like.

A disc herniation occurs when the middle part of the disc (the nucleus) ruptures through the outer wall of the disc (the annulus). In many instances, this leads to contact with the spinal nerve, potentially causing pain in the lower extremities and sometimes resulting in weakness. Disc herniations typically respond well to conservative treatment, including chiropractic care, though some cases may necessitate surgical intervention.

Gluteus Medius/Minimus Strain

This is one of the most common presentations of low back pain in our Saratoga chiropractic office. The glutes play a significant role in keeping your pelvis level and stabilizing the hip joint and lower back when you walk, run, or do anything on your feet. When this muscle is weak, it can easily spasm or become tight, and the referral pattern mimics sciatic pain. It is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions we encounter in our chiropractic office.

Low Back Vertebrae fracture

Fractures are fairly uncommon, but we have seen them in some cases. Gymnasts can experience stress fractures in their lower backs from overuse. Individuals with osteoporosis (loss of bone density) are also at high risk for fractures. In rare instances, people present with spinal fractures from trauma, such as a car accident or a fall. Our Saratoga chiropractor will order imaging to confirm the fracture and make referrals as necessary.

Treatment for Low Back PAin

There are as many treatments for lower back pain as there are healthcare providers to treat it. You might encounter topical creams, back braces, rehabilitation programs, mattresses, tapes, and much more. In our chiropractic office, we follow a straightforward treatment plan. After all, complex conditions don’t always necessitate complex treatments. If our goal is to get you fully functional and pain-free, we will focus on those two objectives.


Physiotherapy can involve various techniques, such as ultrasound, light therapy, and electrical muscle stimulation. In our office, we frequently use electrical muscle stimulation. This technique helps block pain receptors, enhance blood flow, and relax the muscles. It effectively creates a window for manual therapy, making the body much more tolerant.


Although considered physiotherapy, techniques like cupping and instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM), such as Graston, are excellent methods for adjusting the fascial covering around a muscle. Even if the muscles are tight, if the fascia surrounding them is not moving, the body can feel restricted.

Chiropractic Adustmemt

Chiropractic adjustments for lower back pain are highly effective. In fact, some studies suggest that when chiropractors are visited as the first provider for someone experiencing lower back pain, their recovery time and costs are approximately 50% of those associated with any other provider.

Woman get her lower back adjusted by a chiropractor while lying on her side.

Mobility exercises

Mobility exercises play a crucial role in healing from low back pain when performed at the right time and with proper form. These exercises will help the patient enhance their range of motion and improve their control within that range.

Therapeutic Exercises

Therapeutic exercises are excellent for helping a patient return to their pre-injury condition. This phase involves gradually reintroducing the patient to activity within a controlled environment and set of conditions. Think of it like learning to walk before you run. Once the patient advances through a well-structured therapeutic exercise program, they can typically begin to return to activity.

Active Release techniques

Active Release Techniques (A.R. T.) is the gold standard in soft tissue treatment. It is a patented and trademarked technique that combines soft tissue treatments with movement. The goal of this treatment is to restore normal, health movements to the soft tissues.

Additional Treatment Options

While it is uncommon, if patients do not respond to our chiropractic treatment, we can recommend a physical therapist, pain management specialist, or orthopedic doctor for a second opinion. We have established a network of professionals we trust to support our care.

Preventing low back pain

Preventing low back pain is challenging for many people. We recommend regular chiropractic adjustments at our office to help keep the spinal segments mobile. During your care, you will receive exercises to manage the stresses of life and any situations that may arise. We advise continuing these exercises even when you are not experiencing pain.

If you or someone you know is experiencing low back pain, we would be happy to help. Call or text our office, or click the link above to book, and we will gladly schedule a free consultation with our Saratoga Springs chiropractor.

5 Great Side Effects of Chiropractic Treatment

The history of chiropractic

The word ‘chiropractic’ comes from the Greek words cheir (meaning ‘hand’) and praktos (meaning ‘done’), i.e., done by hand. Manual healing methods can be traced back to ancient times; however, it was not until the late 1800s when chiropractic profession in the United States began to take shape.

Daniel David Palmer, the founder of chiropractic

Daniel David Palmer is widely credited with giving the first chiropractic adjustment in 1895. He also established the first chiropractic school in 1897 in Davenport, Iowa. From that point forward, Palmer and others continued to refine chiropractic manual adjusting techniques and study how manual manipulation can relieve pain and improve function.

 In the beginning, chiropractic was rooted in energy flow, spiritualism, and other concepts that did not follow science. The profession has continued to evolve, and there are now research facilities all over the world dedicated to it.

What do chiropractors do?

At the very core, chiropractors work to remove joint restrictions to restore the normal movement of the human body. Chiropractors will perform a detailed history and new complaints for each new patient. This, combined with a series of detailed neurological, orthopedic, and vital sign tests, will allow the doctor to come up with a diagnosis. Once a diagnosis is determined, the doctor will create a treatment plan that may or may not include chiropractic adjustments.


What are 5 great benefits of seeing a chiropractor?

While seeing a chiropractor has many great benefits, we have put together five benefits that our patients tell us at our Saratoga Springs office. 

1. Live life with less pain

Nobody likes to be in pain, and for many people, the thought of pain is enough to make them change their behavior or way of life. In our chiropractic office, we try not to use pain as the primary benchmark for progress, but it is hard to ignore. Many different sources cause pain, but chiropractors treat pain from specific sources.

Joint Pain – Joints that are not moving correctly can get inflamed. That inflammation can cause pain at the receptors in the joint. Adjustments help reduce that inflammation, thus reducing pain.

Muscle/Tendon Pain—Muscles and tendons can be painful for two main reasons: acute trauma or when a muscle is strained from working harder than it is capable. Cumulative trauma or repetitive use occurs when a muscle is constantly activated without enough rest or in a way that eventually damages the tissue.

Neurological Pain—This distinct pain is more common than people think. Nerve pain is the result of an irritated nerve. Nerve irritation can be caused by pressure or friction, and each treatment differs for each. The most challenging aspect of nerve pain is that it can refer to different areas of the body.  

Referral Pain—As noted above, referral pain can be from nerves or muscles. It is challenging because the area that hurts is not the area that is causing the pain. This leads to problems for doctors who do not do thorough exams, as they end up “chasing pain.”

2. Improved Performance

Performance is one of those words that can mean different things to different people. For example, a parent who needs to bend over to tie their child’s shoes cannot perform that task if they have lower back pain or dysfunction.  Another example of performance is a soccer player dealing with hip pain who cannot stop and change direction quickly when running. For this reason, we break down performance into two categories.

Functional Performance is categorized as performance related to daily function. The seven foundational movements are the baseline for functional performance. Those movements are push, pull, squat, walk, lunge, hinge (bend), and rotate. Some combinations of those movements are tested during an exam, and if the patient has a faulty or painful pattern, it is addressed to improve overall performance.

Athletic Performance is categorized using the same foundational movements. The difference is that athletic performance combines the movements and incorporates speed and power. For example, golf combines rotation, hinge, and rotation with speed and power to produce an athletic movement. 

Chiropractic treatment can help with improving performance through chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, and stretching.


3. Comprehensive Care and Treatment

Healthcare in the United States and Saratoga Springs has become very focused on treating one specific area of complaint. While this is great as it leads to doctors being experts in one field, allowing them to focus their resources on one condition, it can cause some things to be missed. In our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office, we take a comprehensive approach. Our chiropractor will ask about your work life, what you do for fun, and a variety of other things to learn more about your day-to-day life. This helps identify any potential roadblocks to your recovery and health. It also allows chiropractors to create a chiropractic treatment plan and rehabilitation program that fits your lifestyle and needs.

4. Car Accident Treatment and recovery

Car accidents are serious regardless of the severity of the accident. You can suffer from emotional and physical trauma, and the process of getting your car fixed and making sure you take care of yourself, in addition to figuring out how life will move forward until all the dust settles, is very stressful. Our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office has a process to ensure your treatment is seamless.  

Our office staff will help walk you through opening an insurance claim and setting up your treatments. We will also handle all of the billing and paperwork, so you don’t have to do anything except focus on your own health. If an attorney does not represent you, we are happy to make personal recommendations for you.

Car accident chiropractic treatment is very detailed. Injuries can linger for long periods of time, and your improvement can fluctuate with each treatment. We have relationships with imaging centers, so we can order X-rays, MRIs, and nerve studies without having to jump through hoops. We will also fit you with any equipment we feel will aid in your recovery.

During your chiropractic treatment, special care and attention will be given to your movements and the soft tissues involved in those movements. Car accidents are traumatic for your body, so a cautious but direct approach is important.


5. Wellness

Chiropractors might be most sought after for treating injuries or resolving pain, but many patients end up feeling so well that they choose to continue on a maintenance plan of care. Maintenance plans are not required, but many chiropractic patients choose this plan to ensure they continue to feel their best.

What is wellness care?

Wellness care or maintenance care is defined as treatment that seeks to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong and enhance the quality of life, or therapy to maintain or prevent deterioration of a chronic condition.

Does insurance pay for wellness care?

Insurance companies do not cover maintenance care, but the service is reimbursable through health savings accounts (HSA) and flex spending accounts (FSA. 

Why should I seek wellness care? 

The human body is like any other machine or moving part. When we subject our body to repetitive and varied stressors, we are bound to break down at some point. Wellness visits help reduce the likelihood of injury and the recovery time should an injury happen.


Chiropractic treatment has many benefits. Those benefits largely depend on the individual being treated, their mechanism of injury, their fitness level, age, lifestyle, and other factors. Whether you have been to a chiropractor before or are just searching for a chiropractor near me, we are happy to help. If you want more information or want to meet our chiropractor to discuss treatment, click on the book now button above to schedule a free consultation.

Why every athlete needs a chiropractor. Even when they are not in pain.

Pain and injury are the number one risk to an athlete. Most coaches, trainers, and doctors work tirelessly with athletes to prevent injuries if they happen and speed up recovery should an athlete be injured. Chiropractors fill a specific space in the athlete’s care team that just might be the secret to their success.

Who is an athlete?

When you hear the term "athlete," you may think of someone who plays sports. While we agree with this thought, we would like to discuss it in greater detail. For this, we break down athletes into three main categories.

Professional Athlete

This type of athlete gets paid for their participation in a sport or is training to qualify for a large event in which they will get paid. In most cases, professional athletes can do just that: make a profession of being an athlete. This does not include the weekend runner who wins $1,000 for winning a 5K. These athletes usually have access to coaches and trainers that help manage their training and performance.

Non-Professional Athlete

This category of athletes is generally the larger of the sporting athlete group: student-athletes, weekend warriors, CrossFit athletes, and those who participate in yoga, pilates, boxing, martial arts, and many more sports. These athletes generally lack access to a high-level coach or training program to ensure their safety.

Non-Sporting Athlete

This one’s for all the moms and dads chasing toddlers around and those desk jockeys who spend their day in an office chair. Just because you are not competing against someone else to win a game doesn’t mean you are not doing athletic activities all day. There is little difference in the movement to swinging an axe to cut down a tree and swinging a baseball bat to hit a ball. The 7 foundational movements of the human body occur in most activities. The body doesn’t care if you are keeping score or not.

What do chiropractors do?

Chiropractors are trained to treat injuries that occur to joints as well as the tissues that stabilize those joints and help them move. These tissues primarily include nerves, ligaments, tendons, muscles, and fascia. A properly trained doctor of chiropractic has experience working with a sports team and has additional training above and beyond the basic doctoral program to work with athletes. If you are searching for a chiropractor near me, you will likely see a number of chiropractic doctors, but only a handful are trained to work with athletes and injuries.

Chiropractor assesses neck movement. 

If you are an athlete, having a chiropractor on your care team is a vital piece of your training and performance. Chiropractors can quickly assess your injuries and determine the correct course of treatment. Doctors of chiropractic use their hands and several orthopedic and functional tests to determine what is causing your symptoms. If needed, chiropractors can order advanced imaging like an X-ray or MRI to further diagnose your condition.

Our Saratoga Springs chiropractor, Dr. Adam Favro, has spent many hours doing post-doctoral training and continues to study and learn about the most effective ways to diagnose and treat sports injuries quickly. Having a chiropractor who can make a quick and accurate diagnosis of your sports injury can make treatment more effective and focused on your condition, which means you can return to training and competition faster.

How our chiropractors treat athletes

Regardless of which type of athlete you are, your treatment goal will always be to get you healthy as fast as possible and keep you healthy. To do this, our chiropractic office has created a four-phase treatment protocol.

Phase 1: Reduce Pain

While pain is a terrible indicator of health (scroll down for more), we can not make much progress if you are in so much pain that you can’t move your body. To reduce pain, we use various techniques, including muscle stimulation, cupping, kinesiology taping, A.R.T., and, in some cases, a referral to pain management or your primary care provider to consult about pain medication.

Phase 2: Mobilize

Now that we have reduced your pain to a point where you can withstand treatment, we begin to assess any areas that are no moving well. Once a diagnostic algorithm is in place, you will be given exercises to help improve mobility and control of the joint(s) that appear to be problematic.

Phase 3: Stabilize

After you have regained your full motion of the joint(s) and area that is causing your symptoms it is time to stabilize the area and get it ready to withstand future stress. To do this your chiropractor may give you exercises to help improve strength, endurance, and/or balance/coordination of an area. Our chiropractors used a stepped approach giving you one to two exercises at a time until you have mastered that. Each exercises will build on the one before it. Think of this as learning to walk before you run.

Phase 4: Maintain

You made it! You have recovered, and your chiropractor feels you are prepared to return to your activity. The question is, what do you do to prevent this from happening again? First, you will be armed with exercises and the knowledge of how and when to perform them. Second, maintenance visits will be suggested as a way to prevent joint inflammation from limiting joint range of motion and stressing the tissues around the joint. You and your chiropractor will create a treatment plan based on your activity level and lifestyle.  

If you have recovered from an injury, it doesn’t mean you will never get injured again. This concept is challenging for many athletes seen in our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office. Recovery is a small piece of the equation; prevention and maintenance are just as crucial in your athletic journey. In our chiropractic office, we offer chiropractic treatments that are focused on maintaining your healthy status and keeping you active. We work with each athlete to make sure they have a program in place that works with their training, practice, and game schedule but helps them stay healthy at the same time. This ends up being an essential part of the athlete’s schedule.

In the unfortunate event that you are injured while under a maintenance chiropractic treatment program, you already have a relationship with your chiropractor and treatment can easily shift to be more of an acute focus program. This program helps to deal with the direct issue of what is going on and the symptoms that are caused by the injury.


Where most athletes fail

The human body is a fantastic machine. It has an incredible ability to adapt to stressors, enabling us to not only survive but thrive. In the case of an injury, our first signal is usually pain. Pain can be a mild annoyance or cause us to stop what we are doing immediately. The trouble with pain is that it is a very poor indicator of health. There may be times it is okay to push through pain and other times where pain is a giant flashing red light that is telling you to stop.

Pain is just your brain’s opinion of what is going on in the body.
— Lorimer Moseley

The “Period of Vulnerability”

This graph shows the relationship between pain and health during the chiropractic treatment.

The pain signal often causes confusion when an athlete is being treated. In most cases, pain can be decreased fairly quickly while the recovery and healing of the tissues that were injured may take much longer. This causes a problem when chiropractic patients start to feel better and return to activity too quickly. This time between reduced pain and optimal tissue health is what we call the period of vulnerability.

Functional Testing

One way to avoid any mistakes between pain and tissue health is by having a qualified and adequately trained sports chiropractor. Your chiropractic doctor will use functional, orthopedic, and other objective testing to determine if the tissues are healed enough for you to return to activity. In addition, your sports chiropractor will create a “Return to Activity” plan with you. This plan will have milestones and more testing to gauge your progress.

Chiropractic Treatments

The majority of the treatments we perform are hands-on. This allows the doctor to evaluate range of motion, tissue tone and texture, and hesitation from the athlete during movement that would indicate pain and joint instability.  

Active Release Techniques

Widely considered the gold standard of soft tissue injuries, ART combines principles from myofascial release and massage therapy with movement. This patented technique can only be performed by certified providers who have passed the practical exam.  

IASTM – Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (GRASTON)

This is commonly known by the name Graston or “scraping”. While anyone can technically perform his technique, it is highly recommended that you seek a trained professional. The chiropractor uses a stainless steel instrument and a special lotion and gently scrapes along the skin to remove adhesions between the layers of fascia. This in turn will help your muscles and skin glide more easily over one another and improve athletic performance.  


Cupping has been around more centuries and involves the use of suction to help break up adhesions between tissues. This is similar to ART and IASTM except cupping is decompression therapy whereas ART and IASTM are compression therapies. There are many uses an indications to use cupping over ART and IASTM and your chiropractor can decided what therapy is best for you.


Athletes get injured, and depending on the sport, some typical injury patterns can be used to quickly diagnose your condition and create a chiropractic treatment that works for you. If you are an athlete (occupational or sporting), we welcome you to make an appointment at our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office. We offer free consultations and convenient online scheduling. We also participate with most insurance plans and are happy to look up your benefits for you.

Do changes in weather cause or worsen pain?

If you have chronic pain, you might find that the weather affects how much you hurt. The link between weather and pain is complex and interesting. It's been studied and talked about a lot. Learning about this can help people find ways to ease their pain when the weather decides to take a turn. Those weather changes come on quickly and sometimes without warning for those of us in the Northeast.

Key Takeaways

  • Changes in weather patterns, such as temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, can influence pain levels in individuals with chronic conditions.

  • Scientific evidence and theories suggest that these weather variations may affect the function of the musculoskeletal system, inflammation, and neural responses.

  • Individual differences in pain perception and response to weather changes can contribute to the varying experiences of weather-related pain.

  • Chiropractors can be crucial in helping patients manage pain associated with weather fluctuations through personalized treatment plans and lifestyle recommendations.

  • Understanding the connection between weather and pain can empower individuals to take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of weather changes on their physical well-being.

The Link Between Weather and Pain

Many people have wondered if the weather affects their pain. Researchers and those with chronic pain have investigated this. They found that changes in the weather can make pain worse, especially joint, headache, and muscle pain.

Scientific Evidence and Theories

Studies show a link between weather changes and pain. One theory is that changing pressure can make tissues swell or shrink, causing pain. Cold weather and high humidity can also make pain worse.

Individual Variations and Perception

How people feel the impact of the weather on pain varies a lot. Some notice it a lot, while others don't feel it at all. Stress and anxiety can also change how we feel pain from the weather.

Weather Factor: Impact on Pain

  • Barometric Pressure: Increased tissue and joint expansion/contraction, leading to inflammation and discomfort

  • Temperature: Heightened sensitivity and perception of pain during cold or extreme temperature changes

  • Humidity: Increased pain from increased pressure and swelling in the joints.

"Understanding the complex interplay between weather and pain is crucial for developing more effective chiropractic treatment strategies and improving the quality of life for those who suffer from chronic pain conditions."

Chiropractic Approach to Weather-Related Pain

Chiropractic care is a great way to handle pain caused by the weather. Chiropractors look at the whole picture, not just the pain. They use spinal adjustments and soft tissue therapy to ease muscle tension, joint stiffness, and nerve irritation from weather changes.

They help by making sure your spine and other areas move right. This reduces inflammation and boosts your function. Your chiropractor might also suggest stretching, changes in diet, and ways to handle stress to prevent pain.

You can make a plan that fits your needs with your chiropractor. If you're feeling more pain or discomfort because of the weather, a chiropractor can help. They're a great ally in finding relief and improving your health.


Can changes in weather patterns worsen my pain?

Yes, weather changes can affect your pain levels. Studies show that temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure changes can make pain worse, including joint pain, headaches, and muscle aches.

How do weather changes influence pain?

Weather changes can affect pain in several ways. Changes in barometric pressure can make tissues swell and contract, causing more inflammation and pain. Temperature and humidity changes can also change how your body feels pain.

Do all people experience weather-related pain in the same way?

No, how people feel weather-related pain varies. Your body type, pain sensitivity, and mental state can affect how you react to weather changes. Some people are more sensitive to weather changes than others.

How can chiropractic care help with weather-related pain?

Chiropractic care can help with weather-related pain. Chiropractors use spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and lifestyle advice to improve joint and muscle function, reduce inflammation, and boost overall health. Chiropractic care can ease your pain and help you handle weather changes better.

How to Schedule an Appointment

If you are interested in learning about the many ways chiropractic treatment can help reduce your aches and pains or what makes our Saratoga Springs chiropractic office different, thank others. Click the link above to book a free consultation.

Common injuries after a car accident

Car accident injuries are unique in a variety of ways. After being involved in a car accident, the shock, chaos, and confusion of the accident may prevent your body from feeling the true extent of the injuries. You may feel sore in some place and later on, feel sore in a completely different place. Your injuries may not even show up for a few weeks or more. When you have been in a car accident, it is important to find a chiropractor who has experience dealing with car accident injuries. Saratoga Springs chiropractor, Dr. Adam Favro, has years of experience treating the various injuries related to car accidents.

Common Symptoms of Car Accident Injuries

  • Headaches: Headaches can be from a variety of reasons ranging from brain swelling or trauma to referring pain from the muscles in the neck.

  • Neck and Shoulder Pain: Whiplash injuries occur when you are hit from the front or the back and your head is thrown forward and back too quickly for the muscles and tendons in the neck to recover.

  • Pain or Tingling In Your Arm or Hand: In some cases, the spinal discs or muscles around the spine can be injured resulting in excess pressure on the nerves leaving the spine. This causes pain, tingling, or weakness in the arms, legs, hands, or feet.

  • Low Back Pain: Your lower back is the stabilizing center of the body. When you are in an accident, the lower back contracts and tries to stabilize the body. The impact is usually too great and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments become damaged.

  • Sciatica: The increase in pressure in the spine from the accident can cause the sciatic nerve to become pinched which will cause back pain and pain in the hips, groin, and legs.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to get evaluated by a qualified chiropractor with experience treating car accident injuries. If you were recently in a car accident, schedule your free consult below to talk to our chiropractor about the best chiropractic treatment for you after your car accident. There is no cost to you for care and we handle the billing and paperwork so you can focus on getting better.

5 Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment After a Car Accident

Chiropractors are known for treatment muscles, tendons, joints, and problems relating to the central nervous system. Car accidents and the injuries sustained from them often involved all of those. Here are five benefits of chiropractic treatment after a car accident.

  1. Reduce Inflammation

    When the body experiences trauma, whether cumulative like running or acute like a car accident, the first line of defense is inflammation. The small vessels and tissues get damaged and blood pools around the injured tissues. While this helps to start the healing process, it also can lead to scar tissue build-up if not addressed appropriately. Chiropractors help restore movement to the area and use techniques to help reduce inflammation.

  2. Reduce Pain

    Pain in an auto accident varies. Depending on the type of accident and severity, pain may not show up for a week or more. It is important to remember that when we are in pain, we change the way we move to avoid the pain. This causes increased stress on muscles, joints, and tendons which leads to a longer recovery time and in some cases, long-term pain. Our chiropractors use non-invasive techniques to reduce pain which to help improve range of motion and prevent long-term effects.

  3. Restore Range of Motion

    Motion is lotion. Movement is medicine. Let’s face it, we were designed to move. Pain changes the way we move (see above) but it’s not the only thing that impacts the range of motion. Joint inflammation, muscle tension, and sprained ligaments can all reduce range of motion. Each one of those has to be tested and treated appropriately in order to restore range of motion properly.

  4. Non-Invasive Treatment

    Chiropractic by nature does not use drugs, surgery, or any invasive techniques to improve health. We use stretches, exercises, and hands-on techniques to restore movement patterns, build strength and improve stability. That means no recovery times and faster treatments.

  5. Little or No Cost

    We understand cost can be a barrier for some but if you have been involved in an auto accident, your medical costs are likely covered by your insurance company. All you have to do is bring us your insurance information and we will verify the benefits and handle all the billing requirements.

Car accidents can be devastating to the human body. Even if the accident itself was not severe, injuries can linger for decades. It is important to get evaluated and treated as soon as possible after a car accident as symptoms may not show up for a week or two after the car accident. In New York state, your auto insurance covers chiropractic care for car accidents with no expense to you.

If you or anyone you know has been in a car accident, they can schedule a FREE consultation with one of our doctors to see if chiropractic is right for them. It’s as simple as clicking here.